Youth Programs
4-H is a program available to St. Louis County youth in grades kindergarten through one year past high school. The 4-H mission is to engage young people, in partnership with adults, in quality learning opportunities that enable them to shape and reach their full potential.
For information about 4-H programs in St. Louis County:
St. Louis County Extension Office
St. Louis County Extension Office
The 4-H Incredible Exchange is a summer program offering youth ages 13 – 15 an opportunity to volunteer in their community, connect with an adult mentor, learn job skills, and receive a certificate for a recreational or cultural activity of their choice.
Youth may apply January through April 30th. Eligible applicants will be invited to an interview session in May.
For more information click here.
To apply to the 4-H Incredible Exchange, visit: z.umn.edu/4Hie
YIA is a St. Louis County Youth Program in conjunction with local government-City's and School Boards, serving 400 youth participants in 19 high schools throughout our county. Through service learning projects and other activities, high school students gain leadership skills and civic engagement volunteer experience. For information about the Youth in Action programs in St. Louis County, contact the St. Louis County Extension Office in Virginia at
218-749-7120 or the St. Louis County Extension Office in Duluth at