Housing Stabilization Services is a Medical Assistance (MA) benefit that helps people with disabilities and seniors find and keep housing. Disabilities can be related to physical, developmental, intellectual, mental or chemical health.
It is for people who are experiencing homelessness, at risk of homelessness, at risk of institutionalization, or living in an institution or some types of group settings, including nursing facilities, Adult Foster Care, and Board and Lodge.
There are three types of Housing Stabilization Services:
Housing consultation: A housing consultant helps a person who doesn’t have case management develop a person-centered plan that addresses their needs, wants, and goals for living in the community. Co-creating this plan with the person is the first step.
Examples: Developing a housing focused person-centered plan based on the person’s needs, wants, and goals for housing; helping a person make an informed choice in their housing transition or sustaining services provider; offering resources related to non-housing goals; and coordinating with other service providers already working with the person.
Housing transition services: A housing transition services provider (a person or agency) helps a person plan for, find, and move into housing.
Examples: Helping the person think about preferred housing; with the housing search and application processes; developing a budget; and understanding a lease.
Important: You do not need a source of housing funding, income, or job in order to get housing transition services.
Housing sustaining services: A housing sustaining services provider (a person or agency) helps a person keep their housing after they have moved in.
Note: Housing Stabilization Services do not pay for housing or goods.